Blog remake. 2008 blog.
Hi. I’m just new here in this site. =) well, honestly I’m not the type of person who can freely express my feelings thru writings BUT the Lord has spoken to me just now and said. "Do it Now, I'm Here!"
It was already 7:52 am, Sunday March 25th of 2008 when He said that.
Here's the story. When I first reached this site I was really amazed. "All smiles!” I felt the excitement upon browsing the entire site. And what pushes me is that I can create a group here.
So of course it runs in my mind of my precious "talent" haha! For those who don't know yet I'm a DANCER/CHOREOGRAPHER. And then I decided to create a group of all dancers since (as far as I know) there’s none group yet.
But what stopped me is that I had the feeling that people might think that I’m just new here in this site and that I have the guts already to create my own group. But I remembered the Lord. This is for HIM and not for anybody else.
That night I decided to do what I have to do which is to create a Group of Dancers, but I can’t start the whole thing. I don’t know why.
I kept on thinking all night until the sunlight was already peeking on my window. Its already morning but I’m still in the same website and still waiting for myself to fill up that form. And then suddenly, I remembered my Bible.
Before I opened my bible I prayed. I was asking for wisdom and an answer whether I’m going to continue on creating a dance group or not. And when I opened my bible, DAVID is the first word I saw. I remember David that he is one of the disciples of God who knows how to dance.
Particularly it opened in 1 chronicles 22. I read them all until I reached verse 14 and it says
''I have taken great pains to provide for the temple of the Lord a hundred thousand talents of gold, a million talent of silver, quantities of bronze and iron too great to be weighed, and wood and stone. And you may add to them. You have many workmen: stonecutters, masons and carpenters, as well as men skilled in every kind of work in gold and silver, bronze and iron--craftsmen beyond number. Now begin the work, and the Lord be with you.''
Wow! I couldn’t believe He talked to me and gave me the answer to my question. It was really amazing! You know what I did? I shared it to my friend, Lorwin, and to Kathy Day.
He answered me and at the same time I also shared it to them. I know God is talking to me right now and He wants me to come back to His kingdom and serve Him with all my heart and passion. I want to burse up again on the red flaming fire! I want to reach that vision!